CSCI 373: Better (Technical) Writing

Michael A. Heroux


Compact, precise and literal writing is desirable in most disciplines, but is essential in technical fields. Wordy, imprecise and metaphoric text dilutes and confuses the reader of a technical document. In this exercise we will work on improving our skills.

1.    Tips for Compact Writing: How to Write Clear Sentences, Mignon Fogarty.

2.    Technical Writing Overview: Overview, David A. McMurrey.

3.    A Template for Writing an Original Technical Report: Primary Research Reports, David A. McMurrey.

4.    Writing Tips: Three Sins of Authors in Computer Science and Math, Jonathan Shewchuk.  




1.    Identify three elements of your Survey paper that are out of sync with the suggestion in the above three links.

2.    Revise your text for better alignment.

3.    Turn in both the original and revised text next class period.